Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dead Trees

Dead trees are just as wonderful as life ones.  Just as many animals live inside a dead tree as a live one. Its human nature to be drawn to the live tree with its branches full of leaves reaching to the sky.  Yes that is beautiful.

The dead tree has more character.  Remember I love using my imagination.  Picture what did live in the tree and what might still be making the tree its home.  Birds, squirrels, mice, bugs, and fungi all make their homes in trees.  The hard woods soften when they die.  That makes it easier for animals and bugs to burrow into.  It’s easier to make a dead tree a home.

I also find the decomposition process fascinating.  No, I’m not a coroner by trade.  We live in a disposable society.  We put stuff in the trash and don’t give another thought to it.  But there is a system in place to return every living thing back to the earth to be used by future generations.  Yes, like fossil fuels.  But also basics like fertilizer for more plants.  It really is a circle of life.

So what’s the point?  I’m not sure.  I guess to ask you to think before you just put stuff in the trash can.  Have you really used the product to its full extent?  Can you use the product in another way?  Can part or all of it be recycled?

I have two points.  Don’t bulldoze a tree just because it’s dead and no longer fits your decor.  As I said dead trees have more character.  Unless it’ll damage a nearby house let the dead tree stay.

Pack out what you pack in.


            Trees are Terrific! National Wildlife Federation, Chelsea House Publishers, © 1999.

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